HOPE II: Development

Your first attempt at crafting the legendary precursor Prototype has been modestly successful but has not yet yielded the weapon you ultimately desire. This journey has only just begun. Find a teacher, research your procedures, and hone your skills before you try a second time.


You have to unlock this achievement.



Achievement Points1 2 3



"id": 2354,
"name": "HOPE II: Development",
"description": "Your first attempt at crafting the legendary precursor Prototype has been modestly successful but has not yet yielded the weapon you ultimately desire. This journey has only just begun. Find a teacher, research your procedures, and hone your skills before you try a second time.",
"requirement": "",
"locked_text": "",
"type": "ItemSet",
"flags": [
"IgnoreNearlyComplete", "Pvp", "Hidden", "RepairOnLogin", "RequiresUnlock", "Permanent"
"bits": [
"type": "Item",
"id": 74773
"type": "Item",
"id": 74900
"type": "Item",
"id": 71850
"type": "Item",
"id": 76018
"type": "Item",
"id": 71818
"type": "Item",
"id": 77216
"type": "Item",
"id": 77048
"type": "Item",
"id": 77241
"type": "Item",
"id": 70481
"type": "Item",
"id": 76188
"type": "Item",
"id": 71897
"type": "Item",
"id": 73750
"type": "Item",
"id": 75780
"type": "Item",
"id": 70960
"tiers": [
"count": 1,
"points": 1
"count": 14,
"points": 2
"rewards": [
"type": "Item",
"id": 74682,
"count": 1
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