Cultivated Shoot


Growth seems to be slowing. You need an extra kick of sun to speed back up the growth process. Something like an Attuned Grow Lamp would be perfect.

Account Bound on Acquire
Not salvagable
Not sellable



"name": "Cultivated Shoot",
"description": "<c=@flavor>Growth seems to be slowing. You need an extra kick of sun to speed back up the growth process. Something like an Attuned Grow Lamp would be perfect.</c>",
"type": "Gizmo",
"level": 0,
"rarity": "Exotic",
"vendor_value": 0,
"game_types": [
"PvpLobby", "Wvw", "Dungeon", "Pve"
"flags": [
"AccountBound", "NoSalvage", "NoSell", "DeleteWarning", "AccountBindOnUse"
"restrictions": [],
"id": 66890,
"chat_link": "[&AgFKBQEA]",
"details": {
"type": "Default"
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