Unbound Magic Harvesting Blast


Used to gather all plants. Rewards unbound magic in addition to harvesting results. Unlimited use.

This item can be exchanged for an updated version at the Black Lion Exchange Specialist.

Account Bound on Acquire
Not salvagable
Not sellable



"name": "Unbound Magic Harvesting Blast",
"description": "Used to gather all plants. Rewards unbound magic in addition to harvesting results. Unlimited use. <c=@Reminder>This item can be exchanged for an updated version at the Black Lion Exchange Specialist.</c>",
"type": "Gathering",
"level": 0,
"rarity": "Rare",
"vendor_value": 192,
"game_types": [
"PvpLobby", "Activity", "Wvw", "Dungeon", "Pve"
"flags": [
"HideSuffix", "AccountBound", "NoSalvage", "NoSell", "NotUpgradeable", "DeleteWarning", "AccountBindOnUse"
"restrictions": [],
"id": 80987,
"chat_link": "[&AgFbPAEA]",
"details": {
"type": "Foraging"
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