Portal Fire

Skill › Revenant › Trident
Open the Mists around you to fire multiple projectiles at your enemy, with a chance to inflict conditions based on your current legend.
Range: 1200
Recharge: 6s
Damage: (0.33)
Torment (6s):
Deals damage every second. Deals additional damage to foes that aren't moving. Stacks intensity.
Vulnerability (10s):
Damage and condition damage taken are increased; stacks intensity.
Weakness (2s):
Endurance regeneration decreased by 50%. 50% of hits are Glancing Blows (50% damage). Stacks duration.
Burning (2s):
Deals damage every second; stacks intensity.
Chilled (1s):
Movement speed decreased by 66%; skill cooldown increased by 66%; stacks duration.
Chance on Hit: 50%
Combo Finisher: Projectile (20%)



"name": "Portal Fire",
"facts": [
"text": "Range",
"type": "Range",
"value": 1200
"text": "Recharge",
"type": "Recharge",
"value": 6
"text": "Damage",
"type": "Damage",
"hit_count": 8,
"dmg_multiplier": 0.33
"text": "Apply Buff/Condition",
"type": "PrefixedBuff",
"duration": 6,
"status": "Torment",
"description": "Deals damage every second. Deals additional damage to foes that aren't moving. Stacks intensity.",
"apply_count": 1,
"prefix": {
"text": "Apply Buff/Condition",
"status": "Legendary Demon Stance",
"description": "Currently invoking the power of Mallyx the Unyielding."
"text": "Apply Buff/Condition",
"type": "PrefixedBuff",
"duration": 10,
"status": "Vulnerability",
"description": "Damage and condition damage taken are increased; stacks intensity.",
"apply_count": 1,
"prefix": {
"text": "Apply Buff/Condition",
"status": "Legendary Assassin Stance",
"description": "Currently invoking the power of Shiro Tagachi."
"text": "Apply Buff/Condition",
"type": "PrefixedBuff",
"duration": 2,
"status": "Weakness",
"description": "Endurance regeneration decreased by 50%. 50% of hits are Glancing Blows (50% damage). Stacks duration.",
"apply_count": 1,
"prefix": {
"text": "Apply Buff/Condition",
"status": "Legendary Dwarf Stance",
"description": "Currently invoking the power of King Jalis Ironhammer."
"text": "Apply Buff/Condition",
"type": "PrefixedBuff",
"duration": 2,
"status": "Burning",
"description": "Deals damage every second; stacks intensity.",
"apply_count": 1,
"prefix": {
"text": "Apply Buff/Condition",
"status": "Legendary Dragon Stance",
"description": "Currently invoking the power of Glint."
"text": "Apply Buff/Condition",
"type": "PrefixedBuff",
"duration": 1,
"status": "Chilled",
"description": "Movement speed decreased by 66%; skill cooldown increased by 66%; stacks duration.",
"apply_count": 1,
"prefix": {
"text": "Apply Buff/Condition",
"status": "Legendary Alliance Stance",
"description": "Currently invoking the power of Archemorus and Saint Viktor."
"text": "Chance on Hit",
"type": "Percent",
"percent": 50
"text": "Combo Finisher",
"type": "ComboFinisher",
"percent": 20,
"finisher_type": "Projectile"
"description": "Open the Mists around you to fire multiple projectiles at your enemy, with a chance to inflict conditions based on your current legend.",
"type": "Weapon",
"weapon_type": "Trident",
"professions": [
"slot": "Weapon_2",
"cost": 5,
"flags": [],
"id": 50456,
"chat_link": "[&BhjFAAA=]"
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