Unstable Bladestorm
(Build 159271) ▪ View revision
Unstable Bladestorm
(Build 160423) ▪ View revision

Create a telekinetic storm of daggers that damages foes. With each interval, the bladestorm will fire blades at nearby enemies.

Create a telekinetic storm of daggers that damages foes. With each interval, the bladestorm will fire blades at nearby enemies.

Range: 1200
Range: 1200
Recharge: 12s
Recharge: 12s
Number of Targets: 5
Number of Targets: 5
Storm Damage: (0.45)
Storm Damage: (0.45)
Blade Damage: (0.66)
Blade Damage: (0.66)
Blades Launched: 3
Blades Launched: 3
Interval: 1s
Interval: 1s
Duration: 4s
Duration: 4s
Radius: 180
Radius: 180

"name": "Unstable Bladestorm",
"facts": [
"text": "Range",
"type": "Range",
"value": 1200
"text": "Recharge",
"type": "Recharge",
"value": 12
"text": "Number of Targets",
"type": "Number",
"value": 5
"text": "Storm Damage",
"type": "Damage",
"hit_count": 1,
"dmg_multiplier": 0.45
"text": "Blade Damage",
"type": "Damage",
"hit_count": 1,
"dmg_multiplier": 0.66
"text": "Blades Launched",
"type": "Number",
"value": 3
"text": "Blade",
"type": "NoData",
"text": "Interval",
"type": "Time",
"duration": 1
"text": "Duration",
"type": "Time",
"duration": 4
"text": "Radius",
"type": "Distance",
"distance": 180
"description": "Create a telekinetic storm of daggers that damages foes. With each interval, the bladestorm will fire blades at nearby enemies.",
"type": "Weapon",
"weapon_type": "Dagger",
"professions": [
"slot": "Weapon_3",
"flags": [
"GroundTargeted", "NoUnderwater"
"specialization": 66,
"id": 62607,
"chat_link": "[&Bo/0AAA=]"
"name": "Unstable Bladestorm",
"facts": [
"text": "Range",
"type": "Range",
"value": 1200
"text": "Recharge",
"type": "Recharge",
"value": 12
"text": "Number of Targets",
"type": "Number",
"value": 5
"text": "Storm Damage",
"type": "Damage",
"hit_count": 1,
"dmg_multiplier": 0.45
"text": "Blade Damage",
"type": "Damage",
"hit_count": 1,
"dmg_multiplier": 0.66
"text": "Blades Launched",
"type": "Number",
"value": 3
"text": "Blade",
"type": "NoData",
"text": "Interval",
"type": "Time",
"duration": 1
"text": "Duration",
"type": "Time",
"duration": 4
"text": "Radius",
"type": "Distance",
"distance": 180
"description": "Create a telekinetic storm of daggers that damages foes. With each interval, the bladestorm will fire blades at nearby enemies.",
"type": "Weapon",
"weapon_type": "Dagger",
"professions": [
"slot": "Weapon_3",
"flags": [
"GroundTargeted", "NoUnderwater"
"specialization": 66,
"id": 62607,
"chat_link": "[&Bo/0AAA=]"
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