Relic of Peitha

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Required Level: 60

After shadowstepping or using a deception skill, fire a blade at a nearby enemy after a short delay, applying torment and increasing your strike damage against that target.

Account Bound on Acquire
Soulbound on Use


Required to complete the following achievements:

Rewarded for completing the following achievements:



"name": "Relic of Peitha",
"description": "After shadowstepping or using a deception skill, fire a blade at a nearby enemy after a short delay, applying torment and increasing your strike damage against that target.",
"type": "Relic",
"level": 60,
"rarity": "Exotic",
"vendor_value": 200,
"game_types": [
"Activity", "Wvw", "Dungeon", "Pve"
"flags": [
"AccountBound", "SoulBindOnUse"
"restrictions": [],
"id": 100177,
"chat_link": "[&AgFRhwEA]",
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