False Oasis

Skill › Mesmer › Heal
You are viewing an old revision of this skill (Build 160423). View current.
Deception. Create a mirage at your current location and heal over time. When the mirage expires, it spawns a mirage mirror.
Recharge: 25s
Pulses: 5
Interval: 1s
Vigor (5s):
Endurance regeneration increased by 50%; stacks duration.
Healing: +1620 Healing
Healing: +1215 Healing
Mirage Duration: 3s



"name": "False Oasis",
"facts": [
"text": "Recharge",
"type": "Recharge",
"value": 25
"text": "Pulses",
"type": "Number",
"value": 5
"text": "Interval",
"type": "Time",
"duration": 1
"text": "Apply Buff/Condition",
"type": "Buff",
"duration": 5,
"status": "Vigor",
"description": "Endurance regeneration increased by 50%; stacks duration.",
"apply_count": 1
"text": "Healing",
"type": "AttributeAdjust",
"value": 1620,
"target": "Healing"
"text": "Healing",
"type": "AttributeAdjust",
"value": 1215,
"target": "Healing"
"text": "Mirage Duration",
"type": "Time",
"duration": 3
"description": "Deception. Create a mirage at your current location and heal over time. When the mirage expires, it spawns a mirage mirror.",
"type": "Heal",
"weapon_type": "None",
"professions": [
"slot": "Heal",
"flags": [
"specialization": 59,
"id": 40200,
"chat_link": "[&BgidAAA=]",
"categories": [
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