Spiritual Reprieve

Skill › Ranger › Profession
You are viewing an old revision of this skill (Build 146804). View current.
Beast. Restore health to your allies and grant them a reprieve from conditions.
Recharge: 40s
Resistance (3s):
Nondamaging conditions currently on you are ineffective; stacks duration.
Healing: +4235 Healing
Healing: +3600 Healing
Number of Allied Targets: 5
Radius: 600


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"name": "Spiritual Reprieve",
"facts": [
"text": "Recharge",
"type": "Recharge",
"value": 40
"text": "Apply Buff/Condition",
"type": "Buff",
"duration": 3,
"status": "Resistance",
"description": "Nondamaging conditions currently on you are ineffective; stacks duration.",
"apply_count": 1
"text": "Healing",
"type": "AttributeAdjust",
"value": 4235,
"target": "Healing"
"text": "Healing",
"type": "AttributeAdjust",
"value": 3600,
"target": "Healing"
"text": "Number of Allied Targets",
"type": "Number",
"value": 5
"text": "Radius",
"type": "Distance",
"distance": 600
"description": "Beast. Restore health to your allies and grant them a reprieve from conditions.",
"type": "Profession",
"weapon_type": "None",
"professions": [
"slot": "Profession_3",
"flags": [],
"specialization": 55,
"id": 44626,
"chat_link": "[&BlKuAAA=]"
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